Please contact us at:
Phone: (859) 987-2110
Window Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Payment Drop Box: 24 Hour curbside payment drop off box.
Bill Due Dates:
All payments are due by the 15th of the month at the close of business. Penalties will be added to the net balance following the close of business on the 15th. Post marked mail subject to late fee. If the 15th falls on a weekend, payment must be placed in drop box for receipt on Monday before 8:00 a.m.
Termination of Service for Non-Payment:
Payment in full must be received by the 26th at the close of business. Following the close of business, if unpaid, an additional $30 reconnection fee will be applied. Post marked mail subject to additional fee. If the 26th falls on a weekend, payment must be placed in drop box for receipt on Monday before 8:00 a.m. To have services restored the same day the total balance plus $30 reconnection must be received before 4:00 pm. Payments made after 4:00 pm will be restored the next business day.
City Utility Billing Rates
In June 2024, the City of Paris passed new ordinances to adjust utility rates over a three-year period. The first phase of these changes is in effect and will be reflected in your bill due on October 15, 2024. Rates are determined by several factors, including customer type (residential or commercial), meter size, and service location. Please see the rates listed below to understand how these adjustments may affect your bill.
Electric Rates
Water Rates
Sewer Rates
NEW: Search Our Service Line Inventory Map
In compliance with the EPA's Revised Lead and Copper Rule, the City of Paris is developing an inventory of the materials used for water service lines in the communities we serve.
You can search for your address in the map below to learn if your property might have a lead service line, or a galvanized line that could contain lead. Lead Service Line Inventory
If the material is unknown, you can conduct a material verification survey to help determine if you have a lead, galvanized steel, copper, or plastic service line on the portion of the service line you own. When you have completed the visual inspection, you can email your results to:
Service Line Warranty Information
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